We create worlds in which anything can be achieved. Some of these things, however, are beyond our capcity as human beings. For these situations, we use a system called ANTICS.
This page exists primarily as a reference – you can quite happily turn up having never read any of the pages below. However, for those of you who desire a more comprehensive overview of the rules, we provide the following for your elucidation and enjoyment.
These rules are applicable to all DUGL games, regardless of what system they are run in. Live action role-play is a hobby that incorporates both physical and emotional components and so we rely on players to use respect and common sense during all games.
- 1 Safety Calls
- 3 ANTICS – Call Qualities
- 4 ANTICS – Other Concepts
- 5 ANTICS – Calls
- 5.1 APPEAR
- 5.2 BLIND
- 5.3 BREAK
- 5.4 BURN
- 5.6 Damage (e.g. ONE, TWO, FIVE, TEN)
- 5.7 DRAIN
- 5.8 DROP
- 5.9 EMOTE
- 5.10 EMPOWER
- 5.11 END
- 5.12 FADE
- 5.13 FORGET
- 5.14 FREEZE
- 5.15 HEAL
- 5.16 IMMUNE
- 5.17 MAIM
- 5.18 MIGHT
- 5.19 MUTE
- 5.20 NIX
- 5.21 PEACE
- 5.22 PULL
- 5.23 PUSH
- 5.24 RAGE
- 5.25 REFLECT
- 5.26 REWIND
- 5.27 ROOT
- 5.28 SCAN
- 5.29 SECRET
- 5.30 SHIELD
- 5.31 SLAM
- 5.32 SLAY
- 5.33 SLEEP
- 5.34 SLOW
- 5.35 STUN
- 5.36 TOXIC
- 5.37 TRIP
- 5.38 VANISH
- 6 ANTICS – Metacalls
Safety Calls
Though it is desirable for players to attempt to solve issues in a way that will not interrupt the game, in certain situations, it may be necessary for players to drop out of character to alert others of relevant issues.
The game is temporarily halted and no in-game actions may be taken. Any player can use this call at any time for good cause such as an injury, interference from the public etc. Make this call loud and clear and repeat until everyone has stopped what they are doing. When the issue has been resolved, a ref will count players down before calling TIME IN. If you believe a player may be injured, you should ensure they are not acting in-character before calling PAUSE (such as saying “OC Are you okay?”)
Optionally modified by a quality. Immediately stop any and all role-playing involving the quality. The caller and others involved may go ‘Not Here’ and walk directly out of the game, if they wish. Remember that no one can compel you to role-play a character you don’t want to play at any time. If this does occur, characters remaining IC should improvise a narration which allows the game to continue with minimal disruption.
Optionally modified by a quality. Do not escalate role-play involving the quality beyond its current form. role-play can continue, but all involved should be aware that the caller is roughly at the boundary of their comfort zone.
FRAK is not a call but a word which exists as an expletive in every setting within Duggle. In character usage may include “Are you frakking serious?” or “You look frakking good in that cape!”
By using FRAK in IC dialogue, you indicate that you are happy with the current level of roleplay and are willing to let it escalate. If the other character does not respond with a FRAK statement, assume they wish to continue the roleplay at the same level but not to let it escalate.
“You look frakking good in that cape!” ? “You don’t look too bad yourself!” indicates that the player is comfortable at the current level of roleplay but would not like to escalate it.
“You look frakking good in that cape!” ? “Well, those are some frakking good shoes you have there” indicates that the other player is willing to escalate.
“You look frakking good in that cape!” ? “YELLOW, sorry I am not interested in cape admirers!” indicates that the other player is uncomfortable with the situation.
Some DUGL games include combat as a part of their game. All weaponry used for this purpose is safe for fighting but you should adopt a “heroic” fighting style. When using a melee weapon (foam swords, knives, staffs), you should strike with the edge of the weapon and not stab with the tip. A reasonable guide is that you should leave enough time between strikes for you to pull your weapon back the length of the weapon. However, if you are unsure about safe fighting, you should consult a member of the executive committee or a game organiser. Projectile weapons must only be used for their intended purpose.
The DUGL armoury contains a selection of weapons that you are able to use for your game. If you wish to bring your own weapons to a game, you must have it checked by a member of the executive committee. Different games may have restrictions on what weapons you can use but this will be made clear by the game organisers.
This refers to actions that require touching someone in an in-game capacity. Some examples include: Picking up an unconscious body, pulling someone away from someone they’re having an argument with or grabbing something out of someone’s hand. Grappling is always discouraged in the first instance and should be replaced with a similar NARRATE such as “NARRATE I am attempting to pick you up”. The player should role-play accordingly.
ANTICS is the default rules system used by Duggle games. It is intended to be modular – games can use as many or as few of these rules as they want but should not change the definition of rules.
While these rules can provide a basis for a game, any of these rules can be superseded by character sheets and anything can be superseded by ref ruling.
ANTICS – Call Qualities
Calls should be made clearly and loudly enough to be heard by all those who are affected by them. You may whisper your calls to your target if appropriate. All calls as a minimum require a type and a target, but may have a number of other qualities. A character may have specific abilities which limit when they can use certain calls (e.g. “on contact with another character” or “only on characters who are wearing blue clothing”) however only the information which the target is required to know will actually be called. If someone uses an ability, assume they’ve met all the requirements for its use.
Calls are typically made vocally by indicating the target (if not immediately obvious such as when striking a player) and the effect (e.g. ‘TWO’, ‘Bob TWO’, ‘Guy in the purple top TWO’, etc.). Calls may also be made in written form (e.g. you open a box and see a sign labelled ‘TWO’). When written down, calls are written in BOLD CAPITALS to differentiate them from plain text. Some calls use the keyword MASS as a target. Everyone in earshot is affected by the call, excluding the caller unless otherwise specified (e.g. ‘MASS TRIP’). A quality can also be designated, in which case anyone possessing that quality within earshot is affected (e.g. ‘MASS Humans TRIP’)
This indicates that characters are not aware an ability has just been used (e.g. ‘SILENT BREAK’). For example, a player with a silently broken gun should act as though nothing is amiss, but does not fire the gun when the time comes. If the call targets a character they are aware that they have been affected in some way but do not know its source (e.g. if you are the target of SILENT BURN you are unaware of how or why but you are aware that you are under the effects of BURN). If a call is not SILENT than everyone who heard the call noticed the caller doing something.
Calls may contain damage, which is simply expressed as a number. Many calls will consist only of damage (e.g. ‘TWO’). Where damage is applicable, a character sheet will include hit points (‘hits’) which possess a numerical value (e.g. “You have 6 hits”). If a character is hit for damage, they should take the value of damage from their hits. For example, if Bob has 6 hits and is hit for TWO, his hits go down to 4.
If a call has both damage and other effects, the damage will always be the called before the other effects, while numbers after the effect modify the effect itself. Make sure not to get these mixed up – there’s a big difference between ‘ONE STUN 60’ and ‘SIXTY STUN 1’.
You may call ZERO with any weapon at any time to indicate a pulled blow for sparring or a deliberate miss.
There are two types of modification in ANTICs, the first type immediately follows a call and presents more information about that call. Depending on which call is used, there may be additional information provided which changes the effect (e.g. ‘ Jill PUSH Jog’ as opposed to ‘Jill PUSH’). Modifications are detailed alongside each call type on the calls page.
The second type of modification is used by stating a quality before the effects of the call but after the target is declared and usually indicates that some characters will respond differently to these calls (e.g. Charmander is a fire type Pokémon and so some of its calls are modified by the FIRE quality. Charmander calls FIRE TWO on Bulbasaur and Squirtle. Being a grass type, Bulbasaur instead takes this call as FOUR whereas Squirtle (being a water type) takes this call as ONE). This form of modification is not used in all games which run ANTICs
A modifier may be used immediately after the call and any modifiers, indicating the number of seconds the effect persists (e.g. ‘STUN 20’). For longer times, other units may be used (e.g. ‘SLEEP 30 minutes’).
Some abilities are designed to persist while the caller is performing a certain action or until the caller chooses to end them. These will have ‘START’ instead of a duration (e.g. ‘Brian PUSH START’). When the effect ends, the caller must make the same call replacing START with ‘END’ as soon as possible (e.g. ‘Brian PUSH END’).
Some abilities are designed to persist while the caller is performing a certain action or until the caller chooses to end them. These will have ‘START’ instead of a duration (e.g. ‘Brian PUSH START’). When the effect ends, the caller must make the same call replacing START with ‘END’ as soon as possible (e.g. ‘Brian PUSH END’).
Some calls do not require a duration and in the case where a duration is not specified the effect of the call lasts only for an instant (for example “EMOTE Fear” would cause a moment of fear in a character and then fade). Some calls require a duration to have any effect at all (for example BREAK) and others can not be modified by a duration (such as damage calls, SLAM and BURN).
While these distinctions may seem confusing at first players generally find the distinctions intuitive after some experience playing. Additionally the call qualities page on this guide includes duration effects as part of the definitions of each call.
Call Grammar
All elements of a call take effect simultaneously. In this way, a call that has begun cannot be interrupted or stopped part way through. However, calls must adhere to the following structure.
[Target] [Silence] [Call modification] [Damage] [Effect[Modifiers][Duration]]^n
For example the following calls are correct (although as these are examples some may be more complex than would typically be used in a game):
Bob SILENT PUSH ‘Run’ 30 COMMAND ’Sing a christmas carol’ START EMOTE ‘Confusion’ 60
MASS [people taller than 5’8”] ONE STUN 5
The following calls do not have correct grammar:
SLAM 3 ONE (damage in wrong location)
SLAM EMOTE 30 (missing modifiers for effects)
SILENT FIRE MASS TWO (targeting component misplaced)
ANTICS – Other Concepts
The Tick
Some games utilise a “tick”. The tick is the default length of time that all players are required to leave after making a call before making another call. This is true for all characters unless specifically stated on their character sheets. Games usually use a two second tick however this is at the discretion of refs and will vary by game.
Drumrolling refers to the act of making multiple damage calls on another character in quick succession. While it is easy for players to unknowingly attack slightly faster than the tick, if you believe a player is attacking significantly faster than the tick without an ability justifying it speak to the player OC or inform a ref that you think there is a problem.
Equipment and other in game items (including characters) may have a “bulkiness” quality modified by a number indicating how difficult it is to move (e.g. Bulky 1)
Characters have a complementary attribute “Carry” which indicates how good they are are moving objects (e.g. Carry 2)
A character may have items on their person of equal total bulkiness to their carry without movement penalties and may exceed their Carry by 1 if they move no faster than a walking pace. If more than one character moves an object, the Carry of those characters are added together and the new Carry variable is used to determine whether an object can be moved and at what speed.
For example, in the majority of games characters will have Carry 2 and humans are Bulky 3 so while one standard character could carry another if they were not carrying anything else and moving at walking pace, two characters could carry another with ease and would be able to carry an additional Bulky 1 item without encumbrance.
ANTICS – Calls
The following page is an exhaustive list of all non-meta calls used in ANTICS. Each call features a definition as well as the grammar applicable to a call of that type. Certain calls require certain modifiers while some are optional, the call grammar part of each call features optional modifiers in square brackets ([ ]) and mandatory modifiers in quotation marks (“”)
For example, EMOTE “feeling” [duration] indicates that, while all EMOTEs need to be modified by a feeling, durationless EMOTEs are allowed.
Target currently not visible to the caller appears in the play area. This call should always be vocalised, as it serves to alert players to the sudden change. This call ends all FADE and/or VANISH effects on the target as if they were NIXed.
Call grammar: APPEAR
Target loses their sight and must role-play appropriately. They should make some effort to OC limit their vision such as closing their eyes/squinting etc, They may not use any abilities that require line of sight.
Call grammar: BLIND [duration]
Modified by an item of equipment on the target’s person (e.g. ‘John BREAK that sword’), that item is disabled and cannot be used for any purpose.
Call grammar: BREAK “equipment” “duration”
Modified by a number. Take ONE every 5 seconds while under the effect until you have taken a total of the modifying number (take the first ONE 5 seconds after the call is made on you) Can be ended early by spending 6 seconds doing nothing other than appropriate role-play to end the effect (e.g. rolling on the floor, patting yourself down, throwing water on yourself). Not necessarily caused by fire (for example, may represent being covered in acid or attacked by bees).
Call grammar: BURN “damage to be taken”
Modified by an instruction, the target must perform the instruction to the best of their ability (ie COMMAND Dance). If you are affected by two contradictory COMMANDs attempt to follow both to the best of your ability (for example COMMAND ‘dance’ and COMMAND ‘don’t dance’ would result in a clumsy attempt to stop yourself from dancing). You always have the capacity to defend yourself from hostile actions while under the effect of a COMMAND.
Call Grammar COMMAND ”Instruction” [duration]
Damage (e.g. ONE, TWO, FIVE, TEN)
Damage calls consist of a number, this number is deducted from the current hits of the target.
Call Grammar: NUMBER
Target may not use any of their listed abilities. Attributes are not affected.
Call Grammar DRAIN [duration]
Modified by an item or type of item (e.g. ‘DROP that gun’ ‘MASS DROP swords’ etc), that piece of equipment must be dropped and a piece of equipment of that type may not be picked up for the duration of the call. If the prop is fragile it may instead be placed on the ground. If no duration is specified, they may immediately retrieve the item.
Call Grammar DROP [duration]
Modified by a feeling (e.g. ‘EMOTE Angry’, ‘EMOTE Nausea’). Target experiences that feeling. All characters experience the stated feeling but different characters will respond to this in different ways. For example, after taking EMOTE Fear, whilst a small child may run away screaming, an office worker could stand frozen and tremble in fear or a barbarian warrior may attack the source of their fear.
If you are affected by two contradictory EMOTEs attempt to follow both to the best of your ability (for example EMOTE ‘calm’ and EMOTE ‘angry’ may lead to a character alternating between the two to the confusion of those around them or they may role-play angrily explaining why they feel so calm)
Note: While a character’s response to an EMOTE may not always be dramatic they should noticeably change their behaviour when under the effect of an EMOTE.
Call grammar EMOTE “Feeling” [Duration]
All ongoing negative effects on the target are removed as if NIX’d, regain all expended uses of abilities and regain all lost hits as though HEALed ignoring any IMMUNE HEAL effects.This call may have additional, game dependant effects.
Call grammar EMPOWER
The named ongoing effect on the target prematurely ends.
Call grammar: “Effect” END or END that “Effect”
Target disappears from view. They are affected by calls as normal, and can be detected indirectly (e.g. by SCANs, their voice, their contact with other players and objects, etc.). Invisibility may be represented in a variety of ways at the discretion of the refs. This is commonly depicted using headbands but varies by game.
Call grammar FADE “Duration”
Modified by a number X. Target loses their memory of the last X seconds
Call Grammar: FORGET “seconds to be forgotten”
Target cannot move any part of their body and accordingly cannot talk or make calls which require movement. While under the effect of FREEZE, target responds ‘NOTED’ to other effects which would change your position.
Call Grammar FREEZE [duration]
Target regains a specified number of hits up to the maximum number given on their character sheet (e.g. ‘HEAL 2’ increases their current hits by 2 unless they have lost fewer than 2 hits). Temporary hits gained from a SHIELD are not counted towards your maximum.
Call Grammar HEAL “hit points to be regained”
Modified by a quality, target is completely unaffected by effects with that quality (e.g. ‘IMMUNE – STUN’, ‘IMMUNE – Sue’, ‘IMMUNE – melee damage’). When this is used as a part of a character sheet the target responds to them with ‘FAILED[description of immunity]’. If this call is used on a character they are temporarily unaffected by effects with the stated quality and should respond NOTED.
If a call contains a quality a character is IMMUNE to a character should call NOTED. For example, if a character is IMMUNE – SLAM and is affected by ONE SLAM 2 they should respond NOTED and take ONE. If a character becomes IMMUNE to a quality, all ongoing effects on the target with that quality are removed as if NIXed.
Call Grammar: IMMUNE “quality they become immune to” “duration”
May be modified by a limb (e.g. ‘MAIM right leg’) or called following a strike to a particular limb. Target cannot use that limb. If a leg is specified, target cannot put pressure on it. If both legs are so affected, the target must fall over. If an arm is specified, nothing can be held in or manipulated by the hand. MAIM has no effect on body parts other than limbs.
Call Grammar: MAIM “limb” [duration]
Target increases the damage of their next damaging call by ONE. A target under the effect of multiple MIGHT calls only increases their damage by ONE.
Alternatively modified by a number, target instead increased their next damage call by that number. Target increases their damage by only the highest MIGHT call affecting them.
Call Grammar: MIGHT or MIGHT “damage increase”
Target may not speak or use their voice, except to make calls and respond to them.
Call Grammar: MUTE “duration”
Used either immediately following a call or on a player or piece of equipment currently under the effect of a call.
When used in response to another call (within one tick), NIX cancels a call just made (e.g. Sally hits Bob for ONE. Joe immediately replies ‘NIX that ONE’). The original caller is still considered to have been made for the purposes of ability recharge, but it has no effect.
When used on a player or piece of equipment affected by a call in progress, NIX prematurely ends the effects of that call (e.g. ‘NIX your STUN’). This usage cannot be used for damage or HEALing.
Subsections of a call may be NIXed independently of the rest of the call. For example, if a player takes “ONE SLAM 2” and is then the target of “NIX that ONE” the player takes no damage but still takes SLAM 2
Call Grammar: NIX “effect to be NIXed”
The target may not take hostile actions against any other characters excluding characters that have made a negative call on the target since PEACE was called on them. If you are uncertain whether an action is hostile, assume it is until clarified with a ref. If affected by RAGE while under this effect respond NOTED and immediately end this effect as if it was NIXed
Call Grammar: PEACE “duration”
Target approaches the caller at walking pace unless If modified by a speed (e.g. ‘Tim PULL Jog’), in which case target must approach the caller at that speed or greater. Caller may approach and retreat from the target.
Call Grammar: PULL [speed] “duration”
Target may not approach the caller and if possible moves away from the caller at walking pace unless modified by a speed (e.g. ‘Tim PUSH Jog’), in which case target must move away from the caller at that speed or greater. Caller may approach and retreat from the target. If affected by a PUSH and a PULL simultaneously in a way which leaves you unclear on which way to move, perform only the effect with the highest speed. If both have the same speed, stand still.
Call Grammar: PUSH [speed] “duration”
May be modified by a quality. Target immediately attacks characters matching the stated quality. If no quality is stated target attacks the nearest character. Target must attack characters matching the stated quality enthusiastically for the duration. If affected by PEACE while under this affect respond NOTED and immediately end this effect as if it was NIXed
Call Grammar: RAGE [group of people] “duration”
Used in response to another call, cancels a call just made, and duplicates the effect upon the originator. REFLECT calls can not be REFLECTed and if a REFLECT is NIXed neither player takes the original call. If a call that the original caller is IMMUNE to is REFLECTed the original caller responds as if the original call was made.
G does not take the effect of the STUN, and K takes the effect as though the STUN had been called on them. If K is IMMUNE to STUN, they respond FAILED.
Call Grammar: REFLECT
Modified by a number. End all calls taken in the last (number) seconds (including SLAY) as though NIXed. Undo all damage dealt during the last (number) seconds, as though HEALed, regardless of any IMMUNE – HEAL and forget the last (number) seconds.
Call Grammar: REWIND “amount of time rewound”
Target’s feet must stay in contact with the ground in their current position. While ROOTed, target responds ‘NOTED’ to other effects which would change their position.
Call Grammar: ROOT “duration”
Modified with an item (e.g. ‘SCAN Guns’) or quality (e.g. ‘SCAN Red Team’), characters possessing an item of that type or matching the quality themselves respond ‘Ping’. If a player is the target of a non-MASS SCAN call they should respond “Nope” if they do not match the quality of the call.
If you are in the vicinity of an item which matches the quality of the call respond “Ping” and gesture to the item.
Both ‘Ping’ and ‘Nope’ are responses directed to the person who made the SCAN call and should be ignored by all other players.
Call Grammar: SCAN “quality”
Modified by a word. On their character sheet or a packet they possess, target may be asked to respond in a certain way when the full call is used (e.g. “If you hear the call SECRET Earthquake, take TRIP”). If target is not aware of a response to that call, they should answer “Nope”
Call Grammar: SECRET “word”
Modified by a number. Target gains that number of temporary points of “shield”. Shield points function as hits but are lost before any regular hits. If modified by a time, any SHIELD still remaining is lost at the end of that time.
Call Grammar: SHIELD “number of hits to gain” [duration]
Modified by a number, target immediately takes that many steps away from the caller, then falls to the ground (they may immediately return to their feet)
Call Grammar: SLAM “number of steps”
Target can make no calls, take no in game actions and are unaffected by all calls except “NIX that SLAY” (target should respond FAILED). Additional impact caused due to being SLAYed and then having this effect NIXed will vary by game and is decided at ref discretion.
Call Grammar: SLAY “duration”
Target falls to the ground and role-plays sleeping. You should not observe the game progressing around you and may not interact with the world in any way. If you take any damage, another character spends a few seconds attempting to rouse you, or you are searched (taking items from your hands doesn’t count), end this effect as though NIXed.
Call Grammar: SLEEP “duration”
Target may only make calls half as frequently as they otherwise could (examples: if they could make a call every tick, they may only make it every two ticks; if an ability requires a 30-second wind up it now requires 1 minute). Target may only move at a walking pace. Players are encouraged (but not required) to slow their roleplay.
Call Grammar: SLOW “duration”
Target is disorientated and as a result is unaware of things going on around them. Only actions made in reaction to a call being made or to roleplay disorientation (e.g.dropping items, falling over) may be performed by the target.
Call Grammar: STUN [duration]
Modified by a number. Take ONE every 60 seconds while under the effect until you have taken a total of the modifying number (take the first ONE 60 seconds after the call is made on you)
Call Grammar: TOXIC “total damage to take”
Target falls over and cannot stand for the duration. As a minimum the target should drop to one knee and place one hand on the floor but more dramatic falling is strongly encouraged.
Call Grammar: TRIP [duration]
VANISH – Target ceases to be physically represented by the player in any way. The target will respond “FAILED- Not here” to all calls that are specifically targeted towards the player formerly physrepping the target. Players should role-play as if the player is not present. If you are the target of a VANISH call made by another player raise your hand and see a ref as soon as possible.
VANISH can be used to represent a variety of effects ranging from teleporting out of the room to transforming into a different form (such as an object or a cloud of glowing mist). This call can NOT target (OC) inanimate objects
Call Grammar: VANISH “duration”
ANTICS – Metacalls
Metacalls are calls used to describe and control the game environment in a way that transcends other calls. They are used to for refs and players to describe the environment in an immutable way. They are unaffected by any other calls including NIX and are not bound by the constraint of the tick.
The caller heard the call you just gave, but was noticeably unaffected by it. In order to achieve this, they will have expended some limited resource (e.g. they can only COUNTER the first such call per session) or met some non-trivial criterion (e.g. they must attempt to physically dodge an attack).
The caller heard a call you just gave, but was noticeably unaffected by it due to an IMMUNE effect on that player. No amount of using this same call will have an effect on the target unless the IMMUNE effect ends. This call may be suffixed with a short explanation of why the call didn’t work (e.g. ‘FAILED- Ghost’, ‘FAILED- Invincible’)
Players and refs may use this at any time to describe details which would be obvious to characters, but may not be obvious to players for whatever reason (e.g.‘NARRATE “The floor here is covered in soot”’). This usage is similar to OC, except it conveys in-character information in a way which makes it clear it isn’t just you speaking. You should preemptively NARRATE interesting details to all players (e.g. ‘NARRATE “My sword is covered in blood”’).
If someone NARRATEs an instruction to you, you must follow it to the best of your ability (e.g. ‘NARRATE You feel too weak to attack’). You can only NARRATE questions or commands if you have a skill which allows you to do so. If you are asked an in-game question prefixed with NARRATE (eg NARRATE How many hits are you on?), you should respond truthfully to the best of your ability
The caller heard a call you just gave and was affected by it in a way which isn’t obvious (e.g. they have an ability which allows them to take all STUNs as ROOTs). In this case, using the same call on the target again may be more successful, or it may not. This should also be used when it looks like you may not have heard the initial call (e.g. you are hit by ROOT when standing still but had no intention of moving anyway).
Players may use this at any time to convey information relevant to other players either inside or outside of the game (eg ‘OC “What does this call do?”’, ‘OC “I have to go in ten minutes”’).
All players who hear this should stay roughly where they are and refrain from moving forward with the plot. This is an excellent opportunity to air any grievances you may have with other characters, discuss your backstory/motivations/philosophy, double-check your plans, and so forth. This call can only be used by the organisers of the event. This lasts until the caller calls ‘TIME IN’.
All players who hear this immediately call ‘TIME STOP’ once, stop what they’re doing, close their eyes, and keep quiet. They should listen attentively for further instruction and description of what happens. IC, no time passes, so characters are wholly unaware of anything that happens, or even that anything is amiss (unless told otherwise). This is mainly used by refs to convey detailed narration. This lasts until the caller calls ‘TIME IN’.
TIME STOP is also used to convey that a game session has finished.