- Name & Status
1.1. The society will exist, and be named ‘Durham University General Larp Society’.
1.2. The aims of the society are:
- To organise, coordinate, and play a wide variety of live action roleplaying games
- To encourage the design and development of new live action games
- To make such games both mechanically and socially accessible to all members
1.3. The society, its members, and its guests will also be bound by all relevant DSU policies.
- Membership
2.1. Membership shall be open to all members of Durham Students’ Union (‘the DSU’).
2.2. People who are not members of DSU may become members of the society at the discretion of the society executive committee (‘the exec’).
2.3. Membership fees will be determined by the exec. A higher fee for non DSU members may be set at the discretion of the exec.
2.4. Non-members of the society and/or the DSU may be admitted to general meetings and events at the discretion of the exec.
2.5. The society membership of non-DSU members may be revoked at any time and for any reason by the exec.
2.6. Any member may renounce their own membership at any time by informing the exec in writing.
2.7. Honorary Life Membership (HLM)
- The exec may grant ‘Honorary Life Membership’ to members who have, in the opinion of the Exec, made a significant contribution to the society.
- Members of the society may recommend other members to the exec for ‘Honorary Life Membership’, such recommendations to be accorded due weight by the Exec.
- Honorary Life Members have the right to attend and speak at any and all General Meetings of the society.
- At the exec’s discretion, other privileges may be granted to Honorary Life Members.
2.8. Membership fees will not be refunded for any reason.
- The Executive Committee
3.1. The exec is composed of ‘senior’ and ‘junior’ positions.
3.2. Only DSU members may hold a senior position. The society recognises the following ‘senior’ positions:
3.2.1. The ‘President’, who shall:
- Lead the society.
- Manage and direct the rest of the exec.
- Represent the society to other groups and organisations.
- Chair all Exec Meetings and General Meetings.
- Cast the deciding vote on all tied votes in which a recount and/or further debate has already occurred or is not possible.
3.2.2. The ‘Secretary’, who shall:
- Perform any administration required by the society.
- Minute all meetings.
- Maintain accurate membership records.
- Book any and all facilities required.
3.2.3. The ‘Treasurer’, who shall:
- Manage the society’s financial accounts and ensure statements from the DSU are correct.
- Maintain and keep track of any equipment or property belonging to or in the care of the society.
- Engage with the DSU to secure funding as appropriate.
3.3. The society recognises the following ‘junior’ positions:
3.3.1. The ‘Social Secretary’, who shall:
- Arrange social events for members of the society.
- Liaise with similar groups regarding shared social events.
- Aim to ensure all members have a generally enjoyable time at such social events.
3.3.2 The ‘Mechanic’, who shall:
- Assist game organisers in designing and improving mechanical aspects of their games.
- Be familiar with as much of the Society’s history and previous games as possible.
3.4. All exec shall additionally:
- Be exemplars of good play.
- Assist with the general running of the society and its events.
- Attend as many society events as possible.
- Help the next occupant of their position perform their duties.
3.5. The exec may create and disband ‘officer’ positions, and appoint willing individuals to those positions, at their discretion.
3.6. Each position on the exec must be held by at most one person.
3.6.1. When declaring their candidacy for any role except senior exec positions (President, Secretary and Treasurer), each candidate may appoint up to one willing ‘running mate’.
3.6.2. Should a candidate with a running mate win an election, an officer post with the name of ‘Shadow [name of position]’ is automatically created and awarded to the running mate.
3.6.3. This officer position persists until the candidate’s incumbency comes to an end by any method unless disbanded by the exec.
3.6.4. Officer positions created this way have no formal power or privileges beyond those additionally allocated to them by the executive committee, but will be respected to the extent of their jurisdiction by the exec.
3.7 If an exec position is held by non-members of the DSU they will not be able to vote on financial matters of the society or major decisions of the society (as determined by the president).
- Meetings & Voting
4.1. All exec positions must be re-elected at the society’s annual general meeting (‘AGM’), of which one must be held in each academic year.
4.2. The society should hold an ordinary general meeting (‘OGM’) in each term in which there is no other general meeting.
4.3. Notification of each general meeting should be circulated to all members at least 7 days in advance of the meeting.
4.4. AGMs and OGMs will scheduled at least a week before any multiple event game has its final event of the term, whenever possible.
4.5. Quorum
4.5.1. Quorum is defined as 10% of the members of the society or 6, whichever is greater.
4.5.2. Unless challenged, all General Meetings will be assumed to be quorate.
4.5.3. If found to be inquorate, a General Meeting may continue in an advisory capacity. Decisions of an inquorate General Meeting may be approved by either the next quorate General Meeting, or a referendum of all members.
4.6 Voting methods for elections, game selections and motions at general meetings shall be by single transferable vote.
4.7. At the request of any society member, a vote will be conducted by secret ballot.
4.8. If there is no formal opposition to any vote other than a senior exec election, that vote may be passed on a general aye.
4.9. In exceptional circumstances, members may submit votes in a written form to the exec. This must clearly note the motion being debated and “Approve”, “Oppose” or “Abstain”. This vote will be considered moot if amendments to the meaning (and not simply to the grammar) are made. This may not be used for game selection and elections of the executive committee.
4.10. The holder of any exec position is forced to resign if a simple vote of no confidence is passed against them at any general meeting.
4.11. If a senior exec member resigns or is ineligible to hold their position, a by-election must immediately be held.
4.12. An emergency general meeting (‘EGM’) shall be convened if requested in writing by at least 10% of society members. The exec can convene EGMs as required.
- Finance & Accounts
5.1. Grants from the DSU may only be claimed by members of the society who are also members of the DSU.
5.2. The society shall have one account that the DSU will authorise.
5.3. The senior exec positions will be the signatories of this account.
5.4. Society accounts shall be kept for at least 3 financial years, and can be inspected by any member of the society on written request.
5.5. Grants from the DSU shall not be used to fund social events.
5.6. All money provided by the DSU should be spent on the purposes it was granted for.
5.7. A summary of the society accounts should be presented to the society membership at the AGM.
- Constitution
6.1. Constitutional amendments require a two-thirds majority to take effect.
6.2. Any constitutional amendments and regulations concerning the society’s affairs that are laid down by DSU shall be binding on the society.
6.3. This constitution and its effects are automatically revoked upon the adoption of another document as the constitution of the society.