Game Selection
In order to run a game, the organisers or “refs” of the game should contact a member of the exec who will aid them in the scheduling and venue booking if required.
DUGL run two types of game: “One-shots” which are single event games and will generally be supported and facilitated by the exec; and “longgames” which are multiple event games that last a minimum of one academic term.
The society will aim to run no more than two longgames concurrently. Refs of a longgame must contact the exec near to the start of the term prior to their desired longgame slot to organise a pilot. A pilot is a test run of a game and allows players to give feedback on a game and refs to critically analyse and improve their game.
After the pilot, the refs must report to the exec on feedback and planned improvements to the refs’ game at least 24 hours prior to a general meeting in which they intend to run in game selection. The exec may then request that the ref team grants them access to player feedback.
A summary of the report should also be presented to the membership in a general meeting when it runs in game selection.
Refs may then propose their longgame in the game selection of a general meeting, provided any serious concerns of the exec or society have been satisfactorily addressed. The exec will attempt to assist refs in addressing serious concerns. If there is difficulty addressing these concerns, the exec may place additional conditions on the game prior to it running in game selection, which must then be satisfied in order to run sessions.
If the refs are not willing to address such serious concerns, the exec may prevent the game from running in game selection until they are. The refs may run a new pilot which will be considered irrespective of the previous pilot(s).
In order to be eligible to run sessions, refs must:
- Respond to written feedback and follow through on any changes they resolved to make when responding, unless given good reason to change the decision.
- Have at least two dedicated refs who can commit to running the game for the academic term in which they’ve been voted into. Refs may appoint “half refs” who are considered to be anyone who has had an impact on editing characters other than their own, has sat in ref meetings or has had significant design impact on the game with the exception of the mechanic. Game organisers must disclose any refs and half refs who they have used in their games.
- Fall in line with 1.2.iii in the constitution “To make such games both mechanically and socially accessible to all members“
- All first term games must use same rules system
The exec will be available for consultation on the implementation of any improvements and will assist with scheduling and running any necessary playtests or meetings.
At a general meeting, a vote will be conducted to determine what events will be run in the following term. The vote may be passed on a general “Aye” if the result is inevitable.
When proposing a longgame for game selection in third term (for first term of the following year), the refs must state whether they are running for ‘One-Term’, ‘Two-Term’, or ‘Either’ (‘Either’ denotes a preference for two terms but a willingness to run with one term). This preference should be indicated in writing to the Chair at the start of the meeting in which they are running.
Only one game may pass as a two-term game.
If a two-term game passes, any other games which were run as two-term games should be discarded for the remainder of vote counting
If a two-term and an ‘either’ game pass, the two-term game will be given the two terms and the ‘either’ game one term
If an ‘either’ game and a one-term game pass, the ‘either’ game will be given two terms.
If two ‘either’ games pass, that which passed first will be given two terms. If they passed simultaneously, they should discuss which will have two terms, with the default being that neither will (ie both run as one-term games).
A game passed as a two-term game will not need to run during the first term’s game selection, and will be given a longgame slot in the second term as well as the first.
If there is one two-term game running, only one other game will be voted in during first term.
As well as voting for proposed longgames, members may also vote for “Alternative Events”, where the exec will schedule other events such as deepgames, pilots, workshops, and socials. The exec also should survey members to find out what types of events should be prioritised within Alternative Events, however pilots should be prioritised over other events.
At exec discretion, Alternative Events may be limited to filling one slot (requiring a longgame to fill the second) or may be allowed to be voted for repeatedly. The exec should decide this before games voting.
The refs proposing games may choose to place additional restrictions on their game’s selection. For instance, if two “sci-fi” games and a “fantasy” game are proposed, the refs of the “sci-fi” games could agree that at most one of their games will be run.
The exec may, at the request of the refs, divulge information about the results of a vote. This information must be clear and helpful to the refs but protect the anonymity of the voters.
Games which lose the vote can be proposed again at the next general meeting, in their current or an altered form, regardless of whether or not they’ve run previously.
At each general meeting, the refs of each long game will make a short report and answer questions about the state of their game
At the start of each term, the President will meet with at least one ref from each game to discuss their plans for the term. Other exec, refs, and/or other members can be present at the discretion of those in attendance.
These meetings may be merged if appropriate.
The exec will generally not interfere with the refs control over their game/s, except in cases of:
- Scheduling events within our society to ensure a wide range of accessible activities.
- Offering feedback, and ensuring appropriate feedback is considered.
- Concern that a principle of our society, or legal or policy requirement is not being met.
The society does not have any hard rules requiring players to help with events (such as ‘monstering’ adventures) rather than play in them with some frequency. However, refs should generally prioritise limited event places to players who have not played in such events before, for whatever reason.
Ref teams can recruit additional refs at their discretion. This should be done based on merit and availability.
Ref teams should meet regularly to plan and discuss their games. Exec members may convene meetings with ref teams in order to discuss any issues, aspects, or events arising from their games.
Game rules cannot be altered by motions at general meetings.
In the unlikely event that a long game cannot continue until the end of the term, the exec will ensure other events are run to cover the gap.
Games will be allocated standardised time slots by the exec in which to run. Special events outside of these slots may run only at the discretion of the exec.
All long games should run in one term arcs where possible, as this promotes accessibility and allows them to wrap up neatly if the society decides to play something else.
The society will store and archive active and completed games in a central location. Members may request the exec grant them access to files, and, if deemed appropriate by the exec, this will be granted. Examples of such files are past minutes and documents from past games.
The exception to this is out-of-character information from questionnaires which, while not legally considered sensitive, will be treated with special care and not shared beyond the refs and exec.
Traders wishing to sell merchandise or advertise at our events may do so at the discretion of the ref team and exec.
The society does not have a system for dispute resolution amongst members. All members are encouraged to talk to each other face-to-face before drawing unwarranted attention to such matters.
If a ref is unable to attend all or part of an event, they should inform the exec and other refs with as much advance notice as possible.
If desired by the organiser of a single-event game and/or the exec, a deposit no greater than £20 may be collected for that event.
Deposits will be refunded as soon as possible after the conclusion of the game for which they were collected, so long as the person who paid them takes part in the majority of the event.
Deposits which are retained due to non-attendance will be allocated for use by the society and its members at the exec’s discretion.
Any and all feedback should be collected anonymously, in a situation free from time pressure, and using questions to assist the formation of coherent ideas and focus on weak areas. Anyone who receives feedback should trust that it is provided with the best intentions, and sincerely investigate how it can be used to improve their game. The exec and ref teams should actively thank everyone who gives feedback.
Physical Safety
Any and all mild vocalisations of injury or pain during a game should be assumed to be roleplaying, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Similarly, any apparent trips, collisions, and strikes should be assumed to have caused no injury unless those involved specifically indicate otherwise. Players should not call PAUSE upon seeing or hearing something which appears as though it could have caused injury, unless those involved specifically indicate otherwise or it is clear they are unable to.
Restricted themes
The following themes are as standard presumed to not exist in the setting of any society game.
- Non-consensual sex
- Sex with minors
- Racism based on real world discrimination
- Racism based on fictional discrimination (such as between fantasy races or nations)
- Discrimination based on Gender
- Discrimination based on Trans Status
- Discrimination based on Sexuality
It is not possible to know what real life experiences other players have suffered, so IC references these topics must be avoided while playing a DUGL game.
At the discretion of the ref team, a game may choose to have certain themes listed above exist within their game. This should be declared before any session in which the relevant topic is likely to be broached.
It is the responsibility of both the ref team the Exec to ensure that any games that use these themes are doing so in a responsible and considerate manner.